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Marriage Commissioner
Patricia Compton
Kananaskis Country
Lake Louise

The Marriage Ceremony…

What follows is the text of the basic Marriage Ceremony. This ceremony can be adapted to your particular circumstances upon request.

Contact me to find out more.


We are gathered here today to witness the formal joining of GROOM and BRIDE in the legal state of matrimony. You are to be married according to the orders, customs, and the authority granted by the government of the Province of Alberta.

Today you are declaring your love openly to the world. May you always remember and cherish this moment.

Matrimony as understood by us, is a state enriched by a long and honorable tradition of devotion. According to the law each partner is equal and supports the common rights of one another to the marriage.

Marriage is not just a ceremony here today, it is a commitment for life.

There is a desire for lifelong companionship. Couples will comfort and support each other through the changing experiences of life. May you laugh together in joy, grieve together in sorrow, and grow together in love.

Marriage means caring as much about the welfare and happiness of your marriage partner, as about your own well being. Marriage also means working together to create and sustain a home in which the marriage may flourish.

With this understanding GROOM and BRIDE wish to be joined in marriage.

If any person can show just and sufficient reason why these two persons should not be joined in marriage, let them now declare reasons, or else from this time forward, keep their peace.

I call upon you both, in the presence of these witnesses, to repeat after me;

I do solemnly declare, that I do not know, of any lawful reason why I
BRIDE, may not be joined in matrimony with GROOM.

I do solemnly declare, that I do not know, of any lawful reason why I
GROOM, may not be joined in matrimony with BRIDE.

Do you, GROOM promise to give to BRIDE, the love of your person, the comfort of your companionship, and the patience of your understanding? Will you share with her equally the necessities of life as they may be earned or enjoyed by yourself, and respect the dignity of her own personal rights?

Do you, BRIDE promise to give to GROOM, the love of your person, the comfort of your companionship, and the patience of your understanding? Will you share with him equally the necessities of life as they may be earned or enjoyed by yourself, and respect the dignity of his own personal rights?

I call upon those persons present, to witness that I GROOM do take you BRIDE to be my lawful wedded wife; to love and to cherish, in whatever circumstances, or experiences, life may hold for us.

I call upon those persons present, to witness that I BRIDE do take you GROOM to be my lawful wedded husband; to love and to cherish, in whatever circumstances, or experiences, life may hold for us.

Wedding rings serve as the symbol of the vows which you have just made. They are the outward and visible sign of the love which binds you together. Being one unbroken circle, they symbolize unending love.

BRIDE, I give you this ring, that you may wear it, as a lasting reminder, of our marriage vows, and as a symbol, of my love, and commitment to you.

GROOM, I give you this ring, that you may wear it, as a lasting reminder, of our marriage vows, and as a symbol, of my love, and commitment to you.

As you begin your marriage, let your home be a haven of peace in the midst of a busy and changing world. Let your relationship be one of complete truth, love and understanding between you both. Respect the confidences of your marriage partner, and consider that your marriage will yield what you give to it.

May you enjoy long lives, fulfill your hopes, feel content as you live day by day, and keep your promises to one another.

May your love be as pure as the snow on the mountain peaks, and as enduring as the rock of these mountains amongst which you have chosen to be wed.

GROOM and BRIDE you have consented in marriage, and have declared your solemn intention in this company, before these witnesses, and in my presence. You have exchanged rings as the pledge of your love to one another.

Upon the authority vested in me by the Province of Alberta, I happily pronounce you “HUSBAND and WIFE”.


“You definitely made us feel very unique and important and we loved how personalized the ceremony ended up feeling. Thanks again, you did a great job!” – Carolyn and Ryan

Bride at Lake Louise